Monday, November 15, 2010


I know no one reads this bahah. and if the beezy that this is meant for finds this... wow stalker much? so time to vent...
HOLY shizzzz.
I don't know why I always end up in these kinds of situations.
The guy that breaks up with his girlfriend pursues me.
Tells me all this shiz about his ex, saying shes this and shes that and he wanted to date other people cause he doesn't want to be tied down to her all his life.
We talk, we get intimate, we just get hit it off.
But all of a sudden, bang he's back with his ex.
Seriously this whole situation is PATHETIC. sad to say I am pathetic for believing his lies.
He's lying to you honey. So get over yourself. He doesn't want you to know certain things cause he's afraid you don't want to have anything to do with him.
He's basically slapping you in the face and making you look like a fool cause he isn't telling you everything.
HE'S LYING TO YOU. not being 100% like you think he is. GUYS ARE GUYS. Even the ones who you think is Mr.Perfect. NOPE! just wanna say don't go into that Macy's dressing room... haha.
He's scared of being alone, being rejected, cause hes comfy with you. but he isn't a fully developed man. He doesnt know who he is. He's tied down to a insane insecure girl who cant let go of the past.
MOVE ON! He sure did. He's just back with you cause your convenient.
If he just sees you as convenience or the chick who pays the bills, it will always be based on that for the rest of your relationship with eachother.
Sorry to tell you, but he's lying to you. STRAIGHT IN YOUR OOGLAY FACE. HE'S SCARED. HE CAN'T MAN UP.
I don't wanna talk bad about him cause I still have feelings for him. But he's dumb for what he did and even stupider to fix things with you.
I think you are annoying and need to move on.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Hola! So yeah what have I been up to lately?
Summer has been prettttty sweet! at first i was like wtf. but now im like dude wtf why do i have work.. right when its getting better haha its all good. so now im super lazy to be capitalizing my "I's" w/e.
Weather has been great! Ive been getting to see my lovers at least twice a week, actually went to the bboy competition yesterday. pretty dope me and angela are thinking of breakdancing bahah wish us luck.
My cousin Ate Yvonne came to visit from the west seee ide last week with Nicole. Just went sight seeing with them around Boston. It was really nice to see her. It makes me want to go to the west coast even more! grrr hopefully soon!
Ate Ashley's bf, Allen is here and he just blew the fuse... bahah
Rice is here too and shes a riot bahah.
I still wanna get a tatoo and piercing soon.. gahhhhh soon.. soon

ive been taking cna classes starting yesterday for the red cross. its so longggg but guess its worth it.
hmmm well internet isnt working grr so if anyone wants to hit me up, get at the cell

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I'm not lame... i swear!

Heyy so read what i wrote on the last entry and i'm like wtf... LAME!
my bad if you had to read that super emo entry. But since the weathers been getting better I've been having super fun. Got to see my favorites in one week and hopefully this pattern continues. Okay dokay i'll update wheneevuhhhhh. <--haha im so ghetto. JK

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

summer is not feeling...summerey

so yup summer 2009! woohoo!
this summer is a bore.
nothing to do.
weather sucks.
but got to hang out with my two boos :]]
beee and geee

so yeah its been raining and i havent been working for 3... count them.. 1...2...THREE weeks! of no work. yeah some people might think wow thats heaven! but no.. i have no car.. no license... so for now it's date with the parents every day! fun?! NO! gosh hopefully this weather gets better cuz im getting all shlumpy and sour.

but let's reflect on the good days...bahah im a dork.. dont mind it its called boredom.
actually i dont feel like typing and thinking... wanna know what thats called..? lazy tee hee :]] kk so yeah hopefully weather is better. and hopefully i get my license... hopefully i get called back into work... hpoefully i get to go to mfa with angela next wednesday... damn so many hopefully's. im just typing nonsense. ok BYE! :]

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th FOREAL!?

”What the heck am I gonna wear today?!” I say to myself as I roll, literally, out of bed. I rigorously scramble through my dresser. Late again, I stayed up until 2:30 in the morning banging out a 7 page essay for Africana Studies. I definitely didn’t finish it but I knew I had to wake up at 6 am, which was less than 4 hours away. So I end up waking up at 6:30 giving me only 15 minutes to get ready so I throw on a shirt, not even realizing what I was wearing, I brushed my teeth washed my face threw my hair up in a ponytail and rushed out the door. So I’m on the train having an off and on battle with my heavy eyelids practically trying to pry them open as I read the rest of my Africana Studies notes so I could finish the rest of the essay when I get to school. Running into the school I settle at One Stop, for those who don’t know One Stop, it’s like an on the go stand up computer area where you can check your email and wiser information. So anyways I’m standing there looking for my flash drive in my overstuffed bag pack, I stick the flash drive in the USB port and bang… my first four pages weren’t even saved...!! I must have been too tired to save it onto my flash drive before I went to sleep. EF MY LIFE. So I call my sister and ask her to send it to me but she wasn’t picking up, I try again and woot she picks up, she sends it like an hour later, while I wait I type up the rest of the paper. Three hours of standing really took a toll on my right leg since I as leaning on it the whole time hahah. So I’m ready to print… and the printer is jammed. Wtf… I make sure to save my paper onto the flash drive first…then I rip it out of the USB port and rush to the next printing station in McCormick. Crap… no more paper at this printer… urgh… running out of time I run to the library, which is sooooooooo freaking far away from where I was on campus… plus the catwalk to the library is cold as hell. But anyways I come to find out I forgot my student ID in my gym bag which is allll the way at McCormick again… omgosh. Haha

I give up and go to Chinatown to get bubble tea at DK which is the BEST PLACE to get boba tea… I’m practically running to DK cuz it was freezing, and as I approach DK I notice a big grey plaster boxing in the entrance… As I get closer to DK it turns out it was CLOSED till May or something… stressed but still craving boba tea I walk a few steps to ghetto Bao Bao tea next door. Asking for papaya boba the lady gives me coconut… I give it back and she was hesitant to take it back. “WTF can you just take it back and give me what I asked for!” Haha nah I didn’t say that but I wanted to.

Running late for my class, I catch the train and some dude was asking me for money cuz he was hungry, so I give him a dollar, which made me feel a little better :]] but I get to the school 5 minutes before class, I go back to One Stop and try the printer and I see it working for the person ahead of me. I plug in my USB and BANG my 7 page essay didn’t save onto my flash drive..AGAIN!!! 3 minutes till class I go to the printing station and just print out the 3 pages I have saved but.. LUCKILY the jammed printer miraculously saved the 7 pages I tried printing out the first time.. :]]!! Running to class, passed in my paper… woot my worries are gone. I go to 3rd floor to purchase the 30 dollar BLUE MAN GROUP TICKETS I was waiting to get allll week, and they were SOLD OUT….omg. this is not my day. I go home early, almost fall asleep on the train, actually I did fall asleep for a second and I dropped my phone. Deng…

Waiting for my brother to pick my up I was contemplating to buy a scratch ticket... I go up to the counter and ask for a Red Sox scratch ticket and they didn’t have it, eh it’s okay it wasn’t my lucky day anyways.. I go home, eat and rest up before work, wake up, take a shower, go to work. When I punch in, my pin isn’t working again, I make my way to my bosses office and she’s like, “Hey Allyson what are you doing here? You don’t have work today.” That took the icing on the cake. Sheeeeesh I go home and watch TV while I eat my banana flavored cheerios… so good by the way, and the man on the news says the time and date… “ It’s 6:20 and Friday March 13.” OMG NO WONDER…. I didn’t know it was Friday the 13th… I run up to my hamper and check what shirt I aimlessly put on today, and it was my RED v-neck shirt… crap.

So yeah that was my crappy day in a nut shell… Do you believe in Friday the 13th or not? I never seem to remember the days anyways and it just freaks me out that the whole day I was wearing that red shirt under my jacket and I was having the worst day ever… Is Friday the 13th foreal? Or am I just being superstitious?

Superstition - Raven-Symon¿
LMFAO my homegirl Raven Symone. dude where is she?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Love is the New Hate

i "love" you so much... haha jk

Hey love birds! Valentines Day was just a few days ago.. Valentines is a love/hate holiday. People who have someone to love absolutely adore this holiday, and the lonley cats probably stay home in the dark eating donuts watching Food Channel. haha JUST KIDDING.

Question: Is society romance intolerant?
Today I feel people dont appreciate anything nice from the opposite sex. It's either they're "too nice" or they want something from you... Well that's just how I feel. Sometime's when someone does something really nice, or treats me good, in my mind I'm like.. "what do you want..." hahah it's aweful I know, but does society really know what romance is? I feel that movies and tv makes romance out of our reach and somewhat like a fantasy. Someone tell me what real romance is, cuz I have not a clue, too many buttholes in my life :]]

Soooo what did I do on LAVVVVDAY? I went out with my 2 girlfriends ANGELALA&ABEEBOO <33 along with Hunbun Alistuhh and Huy :]] We waited in line at Penang for the longest time then had good food with good people. Stupid me wanted to dress up so I wore a dress, as Hun Bun called me, "prom queen" bhaha so bad. I was freezing cold but after a while my legs and toes were numb so i didn't feel the coldness. So after Penang we walked to DK ( donkey kong :]) and got some boba <33 Taro for me Avacado for my lovie.


broke it... you would.LOL




babie balls

pad thai


pondering. prolly bout angela ;]]

doggie bags


my lovie

love these ladies

So Much Love - The Rocket Summer

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


If you didn't know already, our beloved Hello Kitty is making it's debut to M.A.C Cosmetics counters TOMORROW, YES... TOMORROW :]]! I'm stoked and will be uber early to copp me some kitty :].

Yayy went and got me some lip glass from M.A.C's new Hello Kitty collection. :]]